In the kitchen, there is one unavoidable watchword: no waste! Here, inspired by this rule, I “recycled” the almond pulp, which was the waste from homemade almond milk. This pulp is also called okara. Okara is generally the pulp, the solid part of any grain, legume or seed left over from the production of the liquid. Okara, therefore, is not to be thrown away, but to be reused. And in this recipe it is perfect!
Almond okara has a very neutral taste and therefore together with the other ingredients is not perceived by the palate: it mixes completely with the rest of the flavors without altering the overall taste of the preparation in any way. It lends itself well in both sweet and savory recipes. If you let it dry, it becomes as dry as almond flour.

Typically, okara is used to make doughs such as those for burgers, meatballs, shortcakes, and cookies. In this case, it is a basic ingredient in meatballs where the prominent flavor is given by cauliflower.Cauliflower has a delicate, yet recognizable taste and reconciles the other flavors into a truly delicious unicum.Cauliflower does not have to be previously cooked, and this is the great convenience! It simply needs to be grated with a cheese grater and will cook perfectly once the patties go to the pan. If desired, of the cauliflower you can grate the stem instead of the florets, so it does not go to waste, and the florets can errese used for a side dish.

To “hold these patties together,” I used classic chickpea flour. Here then, without the need for eggs or a glutinous flour, I could serve them to my celiac guests as well. If you do not want to use chickpea flour, I recommend using cornmeal, which will give an extra crunch.

Basically, the traditional method of meatballs is followed: the ingredients are worked into one bowl and then shaped into slightly flattened balls.The dough turns out to be well workable by hand, but if you find it too liquidy for some reason, a little more chickpea flour should be added, or, if you find yourself with a mixture that is too dry in your hands, just add a drop of water or extra virgin olive oil.
Of course, freedom of imagination regarding the spices and herbs to be used. I certainly suggest parsley leaves, not even too finely chopped, as they give a nice colorful effect that is very appreciable.Even in a spicy version they must be interesting. Find your own way with all the flair you can :) I did not provide any breadcrumbs to bread them, because they are already good as they are. I cooked them in a frying pan with a drizzle of sunflower oil and some sprigs of rosemary, which gave off a terrific scent, but they can also be baked in the oven, with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, at 190 degrees for 20 minutes, or still fried dipped in peanut oil.

I accompanied them with vegetable mayonnaise and served them as an appetizer, but they are also perfect as a main course accompanied by seasonal vegetables.
Let’s now see together below the ingredients and all the steps to make these delicious patties.


  • 300 grams okara almonds
  • 280 grams grated cauliflower
  • 100 grams chickpea flour
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 2 teaspoons fine salt
  • 1 sprig of fresh parsley
  • 2 tablespoons pickled capers
  • 1 pinch black pepper
  • 1 pinch curry
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil (for cooking)
  • 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary


  1. We wash the cauliflower and grate it inside a large bowl.
  2. We combine the chickpea flour and almond okara. Mix well, and unravel any lumps of okara by hand or with a spatula.
  3. We wash the sprig of parsley and coarsely chop the leaves.
  4. Now add the salt, water, extra virgin olive oil, capers, pepper, curry and parsley leaves. We mix the ingredients together well. You have to get a mixture that is well workable by hand.
  5. We prepare a baking sheet next to us and form balls with our hands, to be crushed lightly between our palms. Let’s lay them on the baking sheet
  6. Now heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan and cook the patties for about 2-3 minutes, turning them upside down for even cooking. They should form a slightly brown surface. Or they can be baked in the oven at 190 degrees for 20 minutes.
  7. Once ready, serve them piping hot with an accompanying sauce.


For storage: patties will keep soft and fragrant if sealed in a container with a cap and stored in the refrigerator. To consume them after storage, they can be heated in the oven, pan, or microwave for 1 minute.

Author: Stella Colonna
Source : Vegabulous

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