Since time immemorial I have been looking for the absolute easiest way to eat good handmade ice cream without using an ice cream maker. For years I have been making the raw-type one (called nice cream in English) made from frozen banana. It comes out great, but hey–it still tastes like a banana! Instead, I was trying to get a more neutral base to flavor with my favorite flavors, so that they would not be covered up by any other intrusive flavors.
And not only that! My intention was to make an ice cream that could be easily scooped. Ice cream scoops are one of the things that brings me the most joy and attraction :) And these come out great with the portioner whether served in a cup or on a cone. Nice and round, firm and creamy!
Most surprising of all is that it needs ONLY 2 basic ingredients. I swear. And these are:
Coconut milk with at least 15 percent fat
agave syrup.
The coconut milk to use is NOT the kind in the foil found in the vegetable beverage department. That type is very bland and has a low fat percentage.We need the thicker coconut milk, the kind found in cans, usually in ethnic markets or in the Asian and South American food aisle at the supermarket. Typically, this type of coconut milk has at least 15 percent fat. I used two types of coconut milk in synergy in this recipe, one 18% and the other 44% fat, and the result is nothing short of delicious :)
Agave syrup is the healthy alternative to sugar. It has a low glycemic index and, therefore, perfect for children and those who are careful about their glycemic values.If you want to use sugar, remember the conversion ratio, where 75 g of agave syrup corresponds to 100 g of sugar. I have never tried it, however, with sugar, so you can tell me in the comments how the result is if you try it!
It is best to use a fairly powerful blender to blend the ice cream cubes because they are too hard after being placed in the freezer in the ice-cube container.I garnished the ice cream scoops with fresh raspberries, raped coconut and cinnamon cookie. One surprising thing is to note that in the flavored flavors, the coconut aftertaste is only slightly noticeable.
Let’s see together how to create our delicious ice cream scoops.

For the coconut flavor
For the chocolate flavor
For the raspberry flavor
To garnish

- First pour the canned coconut milk (see description) into a large container.
- Combine the agave syrup.
- Separately, melt the dark chocolate in a double boiler and, once melted, pour in about 1/3 of the sweetened coconut milk. Stir with a spatula and decant the contents into a container with a spout so that it is easier to pour into an ice-cube container.
- Separately, wash the raspberries and blend them to make a mash.
- Pour about 1/3 of the sweetened coconut milk into the raspberry mixture. Stir with a spatula.
- Pour the mixture into the ice-cube container and place in the freezer for at least 5 hours.
- In another ice-cube container pour the last pare of coconut milk and place in the freezer for about 5 hours to solidify.
- After the time has elapsed, take out the desired amount to make ice cream from the ice container. In a high-powered blender, blend the cubes of each flavor in turn until they become a cream.
- If the ice cream is too melty, place in the freezer for about 10 minutes to firm up before portioning into balls.
- The ice cream is ready to make creamy scoops to garnish as desired. I used fresh raspberries, coconut rapé and cookie.
For storage: ice cream will keep in the freezer for at least 1 month, covered with a lid or food wrap.
Author: Stella Colonna
Source : Vegabulous